Amazon employees struggle with new robot co-workers

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Amazon employees struggle with new robot co-workers

It isn’t hard to imagine why employees would struggle with Amazon robot co-workers.  What Amazon is going through is what many companies will be going through.  Amazon is one of the first movers in this area so its feeling the impacts first.  The question for all of us is how will robot co-workers impact employees?  Robots are here to stay and will only increase in the type of jobs they are able to perform.  Many experts are encouraging people to increase their skill set to be prepared for the age of artificial intelligence.

Amazon Supply Chain Information

Robots and Automation Impacting the Supply Chain

“Artificial intelligence will disrupt all industries.  Don’t be left behind.” ~Dave Waters

Amazon Robot co-workers

“Be on the cutting edge of supply chain automation.  Research artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning.”

Amazon Robot co-workers



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