Top 10 Business Movie Speeches.

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Top 10 Business Movie Speeches.

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Top Business Movie Speeches

  1. “Greed is Good” – Gordon Gekko in “Wall Street” (1987):

    • Delivered by Michael Douglas, this speech emphasizes the ruthless pursuit of wealth and success in the financial world. It reflects the darker aspects of corporate culture.
  2. “Coffee Is for Closers” – Blake in “Glengarry Glen Ross” (1992):

    • Delivered by Alec Baldwin, this speech emphasizes the importance of closing deals and the cutthroat nature of sales.
  3. “The Pursuit of Happyness” – Chris Gardner in “The Pursuit of Happyness” (2006):

    • Delivered by Will Smith, this speech conveys the theme of perseverance, hard work, and determination in the face of adversity, illustrating the potential for success.
  4. “Find a Truly Original Idea” – Steve Jobs in “Jobs” (2013):

    • Delivered by Ashton Kutcher, this speech emphasizes the importance of innovation and thinking differently in the world of business.
  5. “Peace Out, A Town” – Frank T.J. Mackey in “Magnolia” (1999):

    • Delivered by Tom Cruise, this speech centers on motivation, self-help, and self-improvement in a humorous and intense manner.
  6. “Build It and They Will Come” – Ray Kinsella in “Field of Dreams” (1989):

    • Delivered by Kevin Costner, this speech underscores the entrepreneurial spirit and the idea of taking risks to pursue one’s dreams.
  7. “A Rival’s Respect” – Billy Beane in “Moneyball” (2011):

    • Delivered by Brad Pitt, this speech focuses on challenging conventional wisdom, leveraging data, and finding innovative solutions in the world of professional sports.
  8. “Who Moved My Cheese?” – Spencer Johnson in “The Game” (1997):

    • Delivered by Sean Penn, this speech provides a metaphorical lesson about adapting to change and embracing uncertainty in the business world.
  9. “Selling Air” – Jerry Maguire in “Jerry Maguire” (1996):

    • Delivered by Tom Cruise, this speech highlights the importance of authenticity and building meaningful relationships in the sports agent industry.
  10. “The Art of War” – Sun Tzu in “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps” (2010):

    • Delivered by Shia LaBeouf, this speech draws on Sun Tzu’s principles from “The Art of War” to discuss the strategy, competition, and decision-making in business.

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Top 10 business movie speeches
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