How to Negotiate Salary and Job Offer

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How to Negotiate Salary and Job Offer – Prof. Deepak Malhotra (Harvard Business School)

Negotiating salary and job offers can be a tricky process, but by following a few key steps, you can increase your chances of getting the compensation package you want. Here are some steps to follow when negotiating salary and job offers:

  1. Research: Before you begin negotiating, research the typical salary and benefits for the position you are applying for in your industry and location. This will give you a benchmark to use during the negotiation process.
  2. Prepare: Make a list of your qualifications and accomplishments that make you a valuable candidate for the position. Be ready to present them during the negotiation process.
  3. Communicate your value: When discussing salary and benefits, be sure to communicate your value to the company and how you can contribute to their success.
  4. Be flexible: Be open to discussing different types of compensation, such as flexible hours, remote work options, or professional development opportunities.
  5. Be professional: Remain professional throughout the negotiation process. Avoid being confrontational and show that you are willing to find a solution that works for both parties.
  6. Listen: Listen to the employer’s perspective and take into account their budget constraints and other factors that may be impacting the negotiation.
  7. Take your time: If the employer is unable to meet your salary or benefits expectations, ask for time to consider the offer. This allows you to weigh your options and make a well-informed decision.
  8. Confirm in writing: Once an agreement is reached, be sure to get the details of the offer in writing, including the salary and benefits package, start date, and any other agreed upon terms.

From youtube: Prof. Deepak Malhotra offers 15 pieces of negotiation advice, followed by Q&A, in an informal session for students at the Harvard Business School.
Deepak Malhotra is the best-selling author of “Negotiation Genius” and “I Moved Your Cheese”.

Negotiation Training.

Negotiation Quotes

  • “’What is your desired salary?’ The unwritten rule when it comes to salary is this: whoever proposes a number first loses. When you interview, you should never feel pressured to answer this question. Simply let your interviewer know that the most important thing to you is how well you fit the position.” ~ Travis Bradberry
  • “Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.”  ~John F. Kennedy
  • “One of the best ways to persuade others is by listening to them.”  ~ Dean Rusk
  • “During a negotiation, it would be wise not to take anything personally. If you leave personalities out of it, you will be able to see opportunities more objectively.” ~ Brian Koslow
  • “If you are good enough to compete for a top-level corporate job, you should be smart enough to know what the job pays the other gender and negotiate accordingly. If you are an employer, and you don’t pay an employee market wages, regardless of gender or orientation, you will end up with what you deserve.” ~Mark Cuban
  • “You do not get what you want. You get what you negotiate.” ~Harvey Mackay
  • “Negotiation is not a policy. It’s a technique. It’s something you use when it’s to your advantage, and something that you don’t use when it’s not to your advantage.”  ~ John Bolton
  • “Know what you want to achieve prior to starting to negotiate. It’s the golden rule but the one most people fail to heed. Without a plan, you allow the opposing party to define your goals instead of the other way around.” ~ Ivanka Trump
  • “If you are planning on doing business with someone again, don’t be too tough in the negotiations. If you’re going to skin a cat, don’t keep it as a house cat.” ~ Marvin Levin
  • “I want women to get paid more. I want to teach them to negotiate so they get paid more.” ~ Sheryl Sandberg

negotiate salary

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