Supply Chain Management – an Overview

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An overview of Supply Chain Management

This slide presentation gives a good overview of supply chain management.

Supply Chain Training

Supply Chain Quotes

  • “The Internet of Things (IoT) will impact supply chain in so many ways.  Either learn about it, or get left behind.”
  • “If you think of standardization as the best that you know today, but which is to be improved tomorrow; you get somewhere.” ~ Henry Ford, founder Ford Motor Company
  • “Eighty-five percent of the reasons for failure are deficiencies in the systems and process rather than the employee. The role of management is to change the process rather than badgering individuals to do better.” ~ W. Edwards Deming
  • “Artificial intelligence will be part of the home just like the light bulb.”
  • “Self-driving vehicles, automatically choosing the most efficient route… Artificial Intelligence will dramatically improve logistics.” ~Dave Waters
  • “The future of the predictive supply chain: Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Deep Learning.”
  • “It is impossible to improve any process until it is standardized. If the process is shifting from here to there, then any improvement will just be one more variation that is occasionally used and mostly ignored. One must standardize, and thus stabilize the process, before continuous improvement can be made.” ~ Masaaki Imai
  • “Think of a 3D printer as your TV. The same way your TV streams movies your 3D printer could download plans to make any product in your warehouse. Is the future of warehouses the same as video stores.”

“Great companies understand the strategic importance of supply chain and want people with supply chain experience in the c-suite.”

Supply Chain

“Transparency greatly reduces “surprises” in the supply chain.  Talk, Communicate, Share, Collaborate.”

Supply Chain Management

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO): All costs associated with procuring and using the item.

Overview Supply Chain Management

“If supply chain had an arch enemy it would be called ‘Bad Communication’.” ~EverythingSupplyChain

Overview Supply Chain Management




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