Logistics and supply chain management: Refresher. Hour long.

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Logistics and Supply Chain Management

This presentation will review the growth and evolution of logistics and supply chain management, discuss their importance to business in a modern industrialized and globalized world and their subsequent impact on the Yorkshire region, and highlight some current issues such as major trends, the environment, changes in technology, and the need for increased collaboration.

Logistics and Supply Chain Training.

“Bad communication is kryptonite for supply chain.” ~EverythingSupplyChain.com.

Logistics supply chain

“Tim Cook (Apple CEO) is a great example of someone who made immense improvement in the Supply Chain to obtain the top position.” ~EverythingSupplyChain.com.

supply chain

“Everyone should know how to negotiate. If you buy a house, a car, or something off Craigslist, negotiation is important.” ~EverythingSupplyChain.com.

Logistics supply chain management

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