Meet Amazon’s New Robot Army Shipping Out Your Products

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Amazon’s New Robot Army Shipping Out Your Products

Amazon Senior Vice President Worldwide Operations Dave Clark discusses the company’s army of Kiva robots that help box and ship products.

Amazon and Walmart Supply Chain

Jeff Bezos Quotes

  • “The three most important things in retail are location, location, location. The three most important things for our consumer business are technology, technology, technology.” ~Jeff Bezos
  • “When you receive criticism from well-meaning people, it pays to ask, ‘Are they right?’ And if they are, you need to adapt what they’re doing. If they’re not right … you need to have that long-term willingness to be misunderstood.” ~Jeff Bezos
  • “To get something new done you have to be stubborn and focused, to the point that others might find unreasonable.” ~Jeff Bezos
  • “The smartest people are constantly revising their understanding, reconsidering a problem they thought they’d already solved. They’re open to new points of view, new information, new ideas, contradictions, and challenges to their own way of thinking.” ~Jeff Bezos


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